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Why Paid Advertising and Promotion are not as "not necessary" as people say?

In the music industry, there is a common misconception that paid advertising and promotion is not necessary. Many people believe that if the music is good enough, it will naturally gain traction and reach a wider audience. While it's true that quality music is essential, the reality is that paid advertising and promotion can make a significant impact on the success of a release. In this blog, we'll explore why paid advertising and promotion is not as "not necessary" as some people say.

Increased Exposure

Paid advertising and promotion can provide a significant boost to the exposure of a release. With millions of songs available on streaming platforms, it's becoming increasingly challenging for new releases to stand out. Paid advertising and promotion can help to get a release in front of a broader audience that may not have discovered it otherwise.

Targeted Marketing

One of the most significant benefits of paid advertising and promotion is the ability to target specific audiences. By using tools like Facebook Ads or Google AdWords, artists and labels can target people based on their demographics, interests, and listening habits. This means that advertising spend is not wasted on people who are unlikely to be interested in the release. Targeted marketing helps to ensure that advertising dollars are spent effectively.

Competitive Advantage

In the music industry, there is a lot of competition for attention. Paid advertising and promotion can give an artist or label a competitive advantage over other releases that may not be utilizing these tools. By reaching a wider audience and generating more streams, a release is more likely to climb the charts and gain further exposure.

Credibility and Perception

Finally, paid advertising and promotion can help to create a sense of credibility and professionalism around a release. When a release is promoted heavily and reaches a wider audience, it can create the perception that the artist or label is serious about their music and investing in their career. This can make a release more appealing to listeners and industry professionals alike.


In conclusion, while quality music is essential, paid advertising and promotion should not be overlooked as a necessary tool for success in the music industry. Increased exposure, targeted marketing, competitive advantage, increased revenue, and improved credibility and perception are all benefits of utilizing these tools. Paid advertising and promotion can help to get a release in front of a wider audience and create a sense of professionalism and credibility around the release. For artists and labels looking to make an impact with their music, paid advertising and promotion should not be underestimated.

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